Warm orange and pink roses evoke the splendor of sunset.
Hot pink and orange spray roses mingle with red hypericum and accents of Israeli ruscus and eucalyptus.
Fabulous fuchsia and white blooms with the subtle sparkle of rhinestones.
A fantastic contrast of purple dendrobium orchids with white spray roses on a pearl wristlet.
Wristlet Corsage, Wristlet, White Mini Callas, White Dendrobium Orchid Blossoms, Variegated Liriope, Sprigs Ming Fern, Italian Ruscus Leaves, Metallic Gold Bead Sprays, Gold Sparkle Ribbon.
Prom is a big deal to any teenage girl. Perfect makeup, dress, shoes --- but what about flowers? Prom corsages must be perfect as well! Stop by Rose Garden Florist and let us help you create a something special. With a picture or description of the dress, we can create something that not only matches, it enhances the dress' beauty.
Same day delivery depends on availability of product. Substitutions may be necessary to guarantee same day delivery. Our goal is to always create a beautiful arrangement.